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About Me

Hi – and welcome to Will Travel For Pandas! I’m Kirsten, I’m in my 20’s and am from Scotland. I’m also crazy about giant pandas =D I’ve been lucky enough to travel to over 10 countries on so many trips that I can’t count in the past 5 or so years as a combination of work and leisure. On work trips I always make an effort to add a few extra days on to explore these wonderful places more if I can.

Growing up, my family never really went on many holidays, sometimes camping or staying in a family youth hostel, and I’d only left the UK a handful of times until I was 23! I was also a terrible traveller, I would get travel sick on any journey that wasn’t on a train, and I was petrified of taking a plane in case I would be sick – I was scarred from an unfortunate incident of throwing up all over myself as a 7 year old on a tiny flight from Scotland to Northern Ireland! I ended up taking my first solo trip, accidentally, at 21, to Barcelona and apart from take off and landing, the flight wasn’t that bad and I had a great time. I’m glad I had that experience as my next solo-trip was my first long haul flight too, but the excitement of going to China to see giant pandas there for the first time got me through it. Since then it’s been non-stop either travelling, or planning my next travel. I really focus on visiting giant pandas when I travel but always make time to explore the cities and countries further too. If I could have told myself 5 or 6 years ago that I would have done all of this amazing travelling and seen so many different pandas, I would really have just laughed at myself and never believed it!

I’m also lucky to have pandas in the city where I live, Edinburgh. Giant pandas have lived in Edinburgh Zoo since 2011 and I also love visiting to see them there too, while it’s great seeing new places alongside seeing giant pandas, it’s also lovely knowing they’re right there across the city from me.

I hope you enjoy checking out my blog all about my travels with a focus on giant pandas! You can also follow me on Instagram or Twitter as well =)

July 2020