For me at least, 2022 went by in a blur! With international travel opening up more I was able to get in 3 trips last year but still relied on Edinburgh Zoo for several great zoo days out across the year. I also made good use of a few of those trips to test out my new camera that I got during the Summer and could really see what worked and what didn’t (I have so many out of focus photos!) and I’m looking forward to honing my skills more this year. I’ve written a lot about visiting Edinburgh Zoo in past posts, so this one is just a photo-heavy ‘diary’ of all of my 2022 trips. I have to say though, my November and December visits were some of the best I’ve had in the last few years, the crowd levels were good and I saw a number of animals active that I’d struggled to see before – porcupines I’m looking at you! Enjoy =D