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Ran Ran + twins @ Ya’an Bifengxia Base, May 2024 (Panda Kindergarten and Breeding Station pt.2)

The final pandas to share about both within the Panda Kindergarten but also at the Ya’an Bifengxia Base 碧峰峡大熊猫基地! It’s Ran Ran 冉冉, a 7-year old female with twins who were just 9 months old when I saw them. The twins are a male/female pair and are still awaiting their names so are just listed as Ran Ran-1 and -2! They are neighbours to An An and Ya Ya who are in the space/astronaut panda enclosure, the indoor house is at the back up the hill, there is space up the side of the house where there is a water fountain, as well with a flat area in the middle and a large rocky structure which was very well shaded and the pandas spent almost all of their time there. Then the enclosure dips down with a flat area at the front and some more climbing structures. At the time of my visit, it was quite sunny at the front while more shaded in the middle and at the back – luckily there are two viewing spaces at this enclosure, one at the front and another up the side, so it was really easy to see the pandas in this enclosure. The cubs were mobile and were quite stable on their feet, even climbing over obstacles and climbing up the rock structure to get to (and annoy) mum, this really is a fantastic age to see them at =) One cub was very active and was walking around all over the place at the back of the enclosure, exploring the fountain and around the grass before heading up onto the rocks to climb on mum. The other cub started on the rocks with mum, then climbed down and back up, then down and back up again before settling for a snooze in the shade. Up on the rocks there was some cub-cub interaction, but mostly one wanted to sleep and the other wanted some attention! Really such a cute family to witness^