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Autumn + Mountain Moon Pavilions (Panda Creek Valley) @ Chengdu Panda Base, May 2024

I’ve paired the next pavilions together – the Autumn and Mountain Moon Pavilions in the Panda Creek Valley. I didn’t spend as much time here, generally it was later afternoon and there was a lot of sleeping or low-activity pandas when I got there, but I did at least see pandas! As with all pandas, the morning is probably best. From looking at the app now, it does seem like this area now focuses on older pandas, so this isn’t so much the spot to view cubs or groups of young ones together at. The Autumn Moon Pavilion has 3 outdoor and 2 indoor enclosures, while the Mountain Moon as 4 outdoor and 2 indoor enclosures. These pavilions currently have 5 and 4 pandas respectively living in them.

Long Bang 隆浜 (Autumn Moon)

Fu Fu 福福 (Autumn Moon)

Si Yuan 思缘 (Mountain Moon)

Ya Lao Da 娅老大 (Mountain Moon)