Now is the third of the 4 pavilions in the Panda Reception Hall, the Cloud Sun Pavilion. Same setup as the other, and here I saw only two pandas and saw both on both days of my visit. The app lists 5 pandas as living here, so there were 3 that I didn’t see (Bao Ge 宝哥, 5 years old; Ke Dou 科豆, 6 years old; Yun Wen 韵文, 6 years old). This pavilion is at quite a central point so I passed by it several times on both days and the pandas were always out when I went past.
Jing Liang 晶亮

I saw a lot of Jing Liang 晶亮 on my visits – he seemed to be out and up and about all the time! He is a 7 year old male and described to be very lively, well I just saw him eating a lot^ And being very cute while doing so. I can’t find much information about him online – his mother is Jing Jing and he is her third cub – and there are some very cute videos of him online, including some of his childhood time living with Ni Ke. Being born in 2017, it’s likely I saw him as a cub when I visited then.

Fu Shun 福顺

The other panda I saw plenty of was Fu Shun 福顺, who is an 8 year old male. He is one of the first cubs I remember from back in 2016 as he famously toppled off the show platform head first! It made for an adorable set of photos, but importantly I’m glad to see he is fine^ From that, he became a popular cub that year. On my first visit he spent the whole time eating, and was happily positioned at the front of the enclosure in a prime viewing spot. On the second visit he was initially up on a climbing frame sleeping (in what didn’t look like a comfortable position), but soon woke up and headed down for a walk around his space – his dismount down the climbing frame was pretty cute.