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P A N D A S @ P A I R I D A I Z A 2022

Better late than never – in October 2022 I finally got my next trip to Pairi Daiza to see the pandas! This trip was my postponed June 2020 trip so while I’m sad that I didn’t get to see the twins as super playful 1-year olds, at least I was able to get there eventually. I took my mum on this trip and we stayed in the Pairi Daiza Resort, more on that in a future post about the rest of Pairi Daiza, meaning 2 days spent with the 5 Belgian pandas. October was a great time of year to visit, it wasn’t too busy and the pandas enjoyed the cooler weather by spending time outside which was great for getting pictures!

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Pandas outside at Edinburgh Zoo April 2023

With the weather looking that little bit nicer in April 2023, I spotted both pandas outside on my visit that month! This was the first time I have seen either of them outside this year and at least with Yang Guang when it gets more into the late Spring/Summer he will spend a lot of time outside, so it’s a great season to visit. It was luck that I went at a time when Tian Tian was coming into season and thus naturally spending time outside as she was a bit restless, and alike in 2019, I even saw her doing some water play which is just amazing to see. I’ve only ever seen her outside in the Spring when she’s in season, so I’m not sure I’ll be lucky enough to see her outside again so this was definitely special.

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Edinburgh Zoo Pandas March 2023

Spring has started approaching already – this last year of giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo is going so quickly! In March I managed to get two weekend visits in, luckily the weather was pretty good on both days, but I still haven’t seen either panda outside yet this year, so fingers crossed for the warmer months. I have been incredibly lucky with Tian Tian this month (and in January+February too actually) and she has been active and on show on all of my visits whilst Yang Guang has been mostly either eating leaning back against the window or asleep, but I still think I got some super cute shots of him this month:

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