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ARTIS Zoo, Amsterdam – snapshots in Summer

On my way home from Madrid in June 2023 I had several hours in Amsterdam, of course I hopped on a train into the city and spent the afternoon at ARTIS! It was a Friday afternoon (at the start of June, so not Summer holiday time yet), and while there were a couple of school groups, it was actually relatively quiet despite the great weather. It had been a few years since my last trip, most things were as I remembered but there seemed to be some new additions, or perhaps just things I hadn’t remembered seeing previously – there was a new lion habitat being built and it looked amazing, so I think I’ll need to visit again to see that with the lions now living there! Most of the animals were up and about and active, I definitely liked seeing the elephants and giraffes outside and interacting in their herds which I hadn’t seen so much when visiting in Winter. I would definitely recommend a weekday visit in the warmer months!