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City Break

Brussels strolls, October 2022

A small pause on pandas/my May 2024 trip to China while I post some European city break content!

Despite having been to Belgium a few times before, I have never done anything in Brussels apart from fly into/out of the airport. So when I rebooked my Pairi Daiza trip for October 2022 I added in some time for experiencing Brussels! On this trip I travelled with my mum, so made sure to drag her around the whole city!

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Chengdu strolls, September 2023

This was my 5th visit to Chengdu, so just one of many times where I’ve been exploring in the city! Chengdu is definitely one of my favourite places, I find it so easy to wander and there’s always something to see. On this trip I was there for 3 nights and really only 2 full days which I used to go and see the pandas, but as the base closes at 6PM, that left at least a couple of daylight hours and the whole evening for other sightseeing, plus a few extra hours on the afternoon that I arrived (from Beijing, more on that another time!). I spent a lot of time around the Chunxilu area as that was most convenient to me but I also did a long walk and took a metro ride out across the city, let’s dive into some updated photos of Chengdu!

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Italian Weekend Diaries: Rome in December

After seeing my pictures from Milan, my dad was suddenly very keen on heading to Rome – so we did a little research and ended up finding a good deal for a long weekend. Here is part two of my Italian Weekend Diaries sharing my time in Rome in December, it was nice having someone to share my time in Italy with this time – and Rome is somewhere I’d definitely return to again in the future for a slower paced trip. *This trip was taken in December 2019, some things may be the same/different*

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