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Yang Guang November 2023 (Edinburgh Zoo)

November 2023 – the last month that the giant pandas in Edinburgh could be guaranteed to be seen at the zoo*! Of course I visited a couple of times to make sure I was soaking in all the time with my favourite pandas that I could – and here are some of my pictures of Yang Guang. Even though it was chilly, and did try to snow this month, on my visits I would say he spent an equal amount of time inside and outside. With condensation on the inside of the glass it was tricky to get many indoor pictures of him, but I got many good photos of him outside, so definitely no complaints from me there! It was great to see so many people coming to say good bye and spend some last moments in Edinburgh with Yang Guang.

*The pandas were announced to be leaving in December 2023, but the indoor viewing area would be closed to the public to allow staff to make the necessary preparations. The pandas were given free access outside, but it couldn’t be guaranteed that they would go outside, so visitors may/may not have been able to see them until their departure. The pandas left Edinburgh Zoo on the 4th of December 2023, 12 years to the day after arriving.